
Be Grateful, Not Guilty

your truth

How many of you feel stuck? I mean stuck in your own guilt, you know, the old patterned thoughts that still play in your head and in your bed when you’re trying to sleep at night. Those thoughts that tell you you’re not good enough, you’re not doing enough, and you’re not living up to the expectations of others. My suggestion to you right now is to stop! Stop in your tracks, take a deep breath, and ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” Why am I doing this to this beautiful Being of Light? Playing those guilt tapes over and over and over again just to please others. This dis-ease has been cultivated by certain people in your life, but it’s you who has signed up for the deal. When you are ready, I have an escape hatch that is foolproof, but here’s the real deal, you have to practice it on a daily basis. And every time you begin to feel that guilt ghost hanging over your shoulder this beam of light will extinguish the haze that mulls around in your mind. Just like that, poof!

This magical beam of light is something every one of us has the ability to practice, and when you do, you will feel a clear difference in your life. What is this special practice? Gratitude. Yes, feeling grateful instead of guilty will ignite your light shining within rather than douse the flames fostered by manipulation and judgment. When you begin to notice everything in your life you feel grateful for, more abundance will naturally show up. But that’s not why we practice gratitude, we practice gratefulness because it is a reminder to ourselves that who we truly are, and living authentically from our soul space, is perfection. Living in the simplicity of noticing that lady bug in the sand or the praying mantis that showed up on that special day is Spirit speaking to you and whispering that ‘all is well’. It’s knowing that who you are is enough, and not just enough, but you are all-encompassing as we are all connected in this vast universe. It’s letting go of the fearful mind games that play in your head and welcoming the warmth of Source into your heart. For it is this connection to God that not only are all things possible, but they are probable.

So the next time guilt comes knocking at your door, whether it is self-induced or literal, take that deep breath, open your heart to your angels, and sing your song of gratitude. And one last thing, shut the door.