Archive | March 2013

Life Is The Greatest Lesson

Life is the greatest lesson

I’ve sat in the classrooms, gone to the trainings, continued education, and trained some more. The outline of my learning has been necessary in carrying out the techniques in my profession, but it is my lessons in living life that have taught me the greatest lessons of all.  In stepping out of the box of expectations I learned that life has its own set of rules mixed  with squiggly lines.  We all carve our own path while walking this earth, and it is through those steps we realize the truth of who we are, if we are willing.

It has been through my own “dark night of the soul” that I have experienced the truth of kindness and compassion toward others.  If not for the risks and free falls jumped I would never have understood the internal anguish of the downtrodden in this world.

Welcome it.  Every painful experience, every heart wrenching difficulty, every roadblock, for it is through these tests that we discover the truth of who we are and where we are going. Your fortitude is beckoning. Allow it to reveal itself, to you, to the world, to your soul.

Fear has no place on this planet.  It is simply a learned thought taught by something or someone outside of yourself. Fear constricts you, controls you, and wraps you up into a tight bud, unwilling to release. It’s up to you to grab control of your soul, have a conversation with it, and follow the real you! Imagine your discoveries and you just might find the truth behind your lessons.