Archive | June 2011

My New Journey To Health

Join me on my new journey to health as we move into the second half of 2011…visit my fresh, up to date website at

All my past, present and future writings, radio shows and musical videos will be posted on Cynthia Brennen, LMSW.

It has been a JOY writing, speaking and dancing on this blog!  Meet you on my new website!

Namaste, mes amis

Help, Hope & Healing Radio Interview with Norm Weintraub and Bread and Roses

To listen to my interview with Norm Weintraub, musical healer and service giver with, simply click on the link below.  This show will also be archived under the category “AM WWLZ820 Talk Radio”, titled, “Norm Weintraub; Giving Service with Bread and Roses”.

Enjoy your blessed day…Namaste.

My Bro Norm, Giving Service with Bread and Roses

Cindy Weintraub BrennenJoin Norm Weintraub and I on Help, Hope & Healing, WWLZ820am, Saturday, June 11th, 12-1pm EST.  Yes, Norm would be my brother who gives back to the world by playing his beautiful music for people living in shelters and facilities across the San Francisco Bay Area.  He has had the pleasure of playing with David Ervin who played keys with Ray Charles. Currently, Norm shares his performance with Vlad Cardema,, who is a master of the didgeridoo, an ancient aboriginal horn like instrument creating sound healing.  Norm started this path of giving with Bread and Roses, an organization dedicated to uplifting the human spirit by providing free, live, quality shows to people who live in institutions or are otherwise isolated from society.  This group was developed by Mimi Farina, Joan Baez’s sister, in 1974.  Norm has since branched out and developed his own group of giving, and encourages other musicians to do the same in hopes to help others heal.  Norm has expressed to me that in giving he is the one who receives as he connects with people through his music.  Feel free to call us during the show at 607-732-4820 or 1-866-732-4820.

Cindy Weintraub BrennenNorm will also be playing a couple of his original songs during the show.  He has been known to bring us to tears at our family reunions…singing many tunes that “hit home”. 

Bread & Roses brings hope and healing through live music to isolated individuals in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our performances uplift the spirits of children undergoing chemotherapy, teens battling substance abuse, families in homeless shelters, seniors nearing the end of life transition, and others living apart from friends and family while facing challenging times.

> Read our Mission Statement and about our Current Program and Essence Stories.

Inspired by a 1912 poem by James Oppenheim, Mimi Fariña selected the name Bread & Roses to convey the spirit of the organization which she founded in 1974. Over the years, Bread & Roses has received awards for its community impact as well as its effectiveness and efficiency.

> Read more about our founder and our history.

“My commitment to serving humanity inspires me to support Bread and Roses” ~Carols Santana

To learn more about Bread and Roses click on the link below…


Letting Go


Cherish new beginnings….

“I’ve learned that things change, people change, and it doesn’t mean you forget the past or try to cover it up. It simply means that you move on and treasure the memories. Letting go doesn’t mean giving up… it means accepting that some things weren’t meant to be.” ~Lisa Brooks

Believe In Me

“Too many hearts have been broken, failing to trust what they feel…Trust isn’t something that’s spoken, and love’s never wrong when it’s real” ~Dan Fogelberg

Thank you, Dan, for the many years of love and emotion felt through your music.  I see you flying with the angels~ Peace

Dan Fogelberg-photo

Click on the link below for a beautiful Dan Song…

The Beauty In Forgiveness

A beautiful, truthful post by Dr. Wayne Dyer…Anytime you feel like beating yourself up, read this…

A recent caller to my radio show told me that although she could forgive other people easily, the hardest thing to do was to forgive herself.  In thinking about this very common problem, here’s what you have to consider: Everything that you’ve done in your life up until this moment, you had to do. The proof of this is that you did it!

Everything you did is over now. You can’t take any of it back. In The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, the poet says, “The Moving Finger writes: and having writ,/ Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit/ Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,/ Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”

The fact that we can’t erase the past says something to us. We are called on to forgive ourselves, to honor what is past, to love and respect it. Look back and say, “That’s what I needed to do, that’s the person I needed to be at that time in my life. I did that, and I’ve learned from it. Now I can move on.”

Take the present moments you have now and use them in joy and love—not in anguishing over what you should or shouldn’t have done or how you weren’t good enough. You were the person you were supposed to be then so you could become the person you are now. You needed to do the things you did in order to find out how you didn’t want to be. Rather than cursing the past, bless it and forgive yourself entirely. When you know that all of those experiences were a part of the divine design of your life, you can afford to forgive.

So many things that I did in my life, I look back and think that I would never do those things today. And yet all of my past actions have contributed to helping me be the man I am today. Say to yourself, “I had to be that person and I’ve learned from him (or her).” Forgiving yourself is every bit as important as forgiving other people. You did the best that you could, given the conditions of your life, and you can’t ask any more of yourself or of anyone else. Forgive yourself and welcome love back into your life. When you can do this, a kind of balancing occurs. Rather than atoning for sins with guilt, you are more committed to promoting joy and service. You will begin to do what you originally came here to do.

And another great quote on forgiving others for self growth and healing….

“The forgiving heart is capable of anything, I believe that deeply.  And that’s where in terms of becoming an empowered individual…when you get to the point where you realize you can look at someone and say, “I love myself enough”- not in a schmaltzy garbage sense, Hallmark stuff, I’m talking respect myself -I respect my  life -force enough to no longer waste it.” ~Caroline Myss