Leap of Faith

When the pain of staying stuck is greater than the fear of leaving the stickiness, that’s when you know it’s time to leap. What’s the alternative? To wallow in the sadness, the anguish, the despair? Everyone’s time and timing is unique. The question is, how much are you willing to endure before the dam breaks. Will it be a heart or health scare, a spiritual awakening, or a forcing from the universe? The free will within all of us will direct our course as our ties hang from the precipice of our life. The tower crumbles and then it’s time to rebuild into something grander than your previous plateau. As Spirit’s ethereal hand reaches to you, grab hold! You’re being guided and never alone during this miraculous journey. What lessons have you learned to bring into your present and future? Have you learned to love yourself more with a newfound respect for your meaning on this earth? What, in God’s creation brought you here? These are some thoughts to ponder as you move forward.

When I think back to leaps I have taken in my lifetime, some were exciting and others were beyond frightening. Those were the times I had to reach in and ground myself in faith. I’ve always believed there’s a meaning behind every change we pursue in our lives. Our souls nudge us into that knowing, it’s up to us to listen. If the fear is too great, or it just doesn’t feel right at the time, we may pump on the breaks, but eventually the knowing grows into a crossroads. One side of the fork shows a bright light but it is unknown. The other fork may show darkness but it is familiar. The familiar may feel more comfortable (even when it is unhealthy) but the expansion of the light will always lead to new horizons your soul is desiring to explore.

In my experience, every time I choose that beam of light, scary or not, my life begins to line up in miraculous ways. Some things I make happen and other happenings fall in my lap. It becomes very clear that when I follow these nudges from my soul I become more in alignment with my true north. My center of Light. My calling to my authentic self.

With every leap of faith you’ll feel the stirrings of change, some happy and some sad, but eventually all the dust will settle and fall into its meaningful and miraculous place.

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