Archive | December 2010

Ring in a Cleansing, Courageous New Year Filled with Dreams of a Lifetime!

Join me in kicking off the New Year on Help, Hope & Healing, WWLZ820am, Saturday, Jan. 1st, 12-1pm!  I will be addressing mind and body cleansing, facing your fears, creating happiness and manifesting your future.  For those of you needing that “push” to start off the New Year surrounded by health and happiness, this show is for you!  As always, calls are welcome during the show at 607-732-4820 or 1-866-732-4820.

Wishing you all a salubrious and wondrous year to come!

Peace Begins Within

“Peace starts within each one of us.  When we have inner peace we can be at peace with those around us.” ~Dalai Lama

A dear friend of mine sent me this quote from the Dalai Lama the other day.  We were talking about how holiday time can be stressful for many families as it brings up a multitude of emotions. There are numerous expectations set around the holidays; the “supposed to’s”  of who gathers where, who’s getting along with whom, and the comfort level of the family dynamics.

When we take the time to go inward, and tap into our own peaceful place, the world around us appears to settle quietly, like the early morning snow on a sturdy spruce.  True peace can only be felt when our hearts open to loving ourselves and those around us.  I learned this lesson of love from my Father early on in my life.  There were certainly many times he could have thrown his arms up in frustration with his eight kids, and walked away, but he never did.  Instead, he chose a peaceful stance, never judged, and waited.  He might not have agreed with our choices, but he chose to stand by with a quiet strength.  Of course there were trials and difficulties, just imagine growing up with five brothers and two sisters in the 60’s and 70’s, but my parents always backed each other up when it came to dealing with all of us.  And in the end….Love Stood.

Below is a photo of my parents that has been floating around my family this holiday season.  This is where it all began…. and then there were ten!

Wishing you all love and peace in your hearts today and always.  When we get caught up in the illusion of what it is we’re dealing with, remember, peace is only a heartbeat away….

Native American Wisdom

Some thoughts to ponder as we stroll through this thing called life….

“Don’t be afraid to cry, it will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts.” ~Hopi

” When we show our respect for other living things, they respond with respect for us.” ~Arapaho

“Do not judge your neighbor until you walk two moons in his moccasins.” ~Cheyenne

“You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.” ~Navajo

“A brave man dies but once, a coward many times.” ~Iowa

“When a man moves away from nature his heart becomes hard.” ~Lakota

And last but certainly not least….

“Our first teacher is our own heart.” ~Cheyenne

WWLZ820am Show on Overcoming Obstacles of Harassment and Stalking

To listen to my Help, Hope & Healing, WWLZ820am  show on Harassment & Stalking, simply go to the category, AM WWLZ Talk Radio, and click on “Overcoming Obstacles of Harassment & Stalking.”

May you experience your strength and inner peace today and everyday…

Overcoming Obstacles of Harassment

Tune in tomorrow to Help, Hope & Healing, WWLZ820am, December 18th, 12-1pm EST. My guest will be Sherry McFalls, a veteran and retired social worker who has dealt with harassment first hand.  She will enlighten us on steps to take in acquiring protection through the judicial system and maintaining self-preservation.  As always, calls are welcome during the show at 607-732-4820 or 1-866-732-4820.  Join us so that we may help you heal.  May peace, love & light come your way…

Learn to be Happy

Learn To Be Happy

How does our history become sad or happy? How and why do our experiences affect the way we think and feel? Are human beings born to be miserable? NO! We are born to be human and to evolve through experiences. We are born to win!

There is no doubt that we all have a big variety of situations or experiences during our existence that we allow to affect the way we think and therefore the way we feel. There are people, objects and intangibles things that we meet and they become part of our experiences and therefore our history.

We all make choices, every day, every moment. The reason we are happy or unhappy is not our experiences but the way we deal with our experiences; what we think about them, therefore the attitude we take. Everything we do either makes us successful or unsuccessful, moves us forward or backward, every day, every moment.

Being miserable or happy is personal; it is a matter of choice and this choice has to do with the attitude each of us has.

Attitude is everything! Things are the way they are, they cannot be otherwise. The problem starts when we label our experiences with our own beliefs. Our attitude is the outcome of how we feel and how we will respond. Sadly and ironically, many of us build such an attitude that instead of solving the problems we already have, we create even more problems. Ironically again, this is the history of the so-called more intelligent being on the planet.

So, what we can do to be happy? How can move forward instead of backward?

First we have to consider cause and effect…

Our mind stores our experiences as thoughts, thoughts create feelings or emotions, and what we feel is the way we act. Our attitude is a reaction to our thoughts, feelings and actions; it is positive or negative based not on what we think, but how we think, and how we think is related to our level of awareness.

So, the roots of our misery, problems, disillusions, worries and sadness are in our thoughts; how we think about things. When we have negative thoughts, we are creating misery in our lives and if it’s something that we don’t want for our life, it is time to take control and put our brain to work to form a new attitude by creating new positive thoughts.

You will only be happy, move forward, be the champion you are meant to be when you are honest and take action. Start to motivate your mind with positive thoughts. Start with thoughts of love, optimism, and creativity. Start by appreciating and valuing every second of life, everything you are and have, and become passionate about everything you do.

Stop labeling! Things are the way they are but if you decide to label them, then label your experiences, with your fellow human beings and with your environment, in a positive and optimistic way. Regardless of what happens, paint your life, daily, with a smile in everything you experience. The more you do this, the happier you will become.

Move with the flow. Things are the way they are, they cannot be otherwise. If you row in the direction the river is flowing, its energy assists you. But, if you row against the river’s flow, it is only a matter of time before you become exhausted, overwhelmed and defeated.

It is super important to be clear; to understand that happiness is not dependent on the outside world. Nobody can make you happy or unhappy. Be responsible for your life. You and only you have the power to control the way you feel.

When your desire to be happy becomes as strong as the need to breathe, you will be happy. If you want to be happy, make happiness part of your daily thoughts, emotions and actions.

So, be happy, it is not only your choice but also your right! Be happy, regardless; you definitively deserve it. Remember, sixty seconds of sadness is one minute less of happiness!!! ^_^

~Eduardo Dominguez

Thank you Green Valley for sharing these wonderful, beautiful posts with us.  Much love to you, my like-spirited friend! xoxo

Victim or Survivor

” Move into the wound of your most secret fears, and find the seeds of wisdom that are planted there.  Face what upsets you the most;  it is a great teacher.”  ~Lynn V. Andrews

Which one are you?  Are you someone who accepts your position in life and chooses to take responsibility for your actions?  Or are you someone who chooses to blame others for your lot in life?  When we choose to blame others for messes we have created in our own lives, we remain stagnate in our mire of pain and often spiral downward as we take pity upon ourselves.  In blaming others we erase our innate abilities and abdicate our power to master our own lives.  Only you have created what exists in your life, and only you can change it.  Until you accept responsibility for your past decisions and current situation, you will remain a prisoner of  your negativity.  You can lay down, claim defeat, and continue your cycle; or you can stand up, look yourself straight in the eye, and reclaim your life.

The Survivor chooses to create change.  The road may be painful and full of patience, but the end result will be one of self-love, self-respect, humility, compassion toward others, and a knowing that you are fulfilling your purpose here on earth.  In claiming your life, you become the master of your ship.  There is no blame because you know you have the power to create your own life.  You’re not depending on someone else to steer your ship, you take the wheel and accept full responsibility.  The ups, the downs, and the in betweens.  Life can be extremely difficult but when we know we can rely on ourselves to make it through the storm, and have FAITH that we will, all your perseverance will pay off.  As we begin to TRUST ourselves we attract like-spirited people into our lives.  Naturally, our inner circle of support grows and so do we.

Face your fears and seek the inner wisdom that will set you free.

Stay on your course, weather your storms, and the sun will shine upon your tattered and treasured ship.

Craig Hamilton, Surviving Bipolar Disorder and Beyond…

To listen to my interview with Craig Hamilton, author of Broken Open, simply go to the Link,  “AM-WWLZ820 Talk Radio” and click on “Craig Hamilton, Surviving Bipolar Disorder and Beyond…”  I promise you won’t be disappointed.  This is an amazing account of Craig’s struggles and triumphs with Bipolar Disorder, and his amazing work in helping others through this difficult illness.  Craig quotes Martin Luther King, Jr. at the end of the show with “Our lives begin to end when we remain silent about the things that matter.”  That sums it all up.  Thank you so much Craig Hamilton, for being the beautiful soul that you are.  Many blessings to you!

Broken Open

Join the journey on Help, Hope & Healing, WWLZ820am, Saturday Dec. 11th, 12-1pm EST.  My guest will be Craig Hamilton, author of an amazing memoir, Broken Open.  This is a heart wrenching & heartwarming account of Craig’s personal experience with Bipolar Disorder.  For any of you dealing with Bipolar Disorder in your life I recommend you do not miss this show!  Craig will certainly give you hope and help you heal, first hand.  As always, calls are welcome during the show at 607-732-4820 or 1-866-732-4820. Wishing you all a day of health and happiness!

Front Cover - Broken Open by Craig Hamilton with Neil Jameson

Broken Open
Front Cover

(click image to enlarge)

Back Cover - Broken Open by Craig Hamilton with Neil Jameson

Broken Open
Back Cover

(click image to enlarge)

Click here to purchase Broken Open


Broken Open

Three days until the Olympics opening ceremony. My bag is packed and we’re walking together as a family from car park to ticket gate. Something is not quite right. I’m riding a tsunami-size mania and set to wipe out in awesome and truly awful style. Now, if this tale is not weird enough already, then try this: in my mind I have become Jesus Christ reincarnate. I am experiencing a high I’d imagine you attain only on the strongest drugs.’

Read more extracts from Broken Open….

In a remarkable memoir ABC broadcaster Craig Hamilton tells what it’s like to go mad in public and survive to tell the tale. Hamilton explores how his breakdown and diagnosis of bipolar disorder affected his family, work colleagues and friends. In doing so he lifts the covers on the taboo subject of depression and shows how he stared down his demons to resurrect his life and career.

As a former top sportsman, farmer’s son and coal miner who reinvented himself to establish a successful career with the ABC, Craig believed he was immune to a calamity such as mental illness. From his initial shocking breakdown to his eventual recovery, Craig retraces his steps and highlights the warning signs that might have told him he was in serious trouble.

Broken Open is a gripping read about one man’s journey back from the brink of hell. But it is much more than that. It’s also a personal plea for society to shake off the stigma surrounding people with depression and to bring the subject out into the clear light of day.

“I know Craig went through his own anguish with mental illness and if it can affect him it can affect anybody. I hold him in high esteem as I believe him to be very credible and someone who has a real passion for what he does, particularly calling rugby league on ABC Radio.

Like many Australians today, Craig changed his life so he could manage his illness. Through medication and a healthy lifestyle of yoga, meditation and laughter he is now living a healthy life. His story is a must-read. His triumph is truly remarkable and will inspire anyone lucky enough to read it.

Sadly many people suffering mental illness do not have the strength or support to change their lives. Like Craig I have watched players and have friends and family who have suffered from mental illness. I know through these experiences that mental illness exists and is not in someone’s imagination as we are often told.

By telling his story I know Craig will help others who have suffered, but more importantly he makes us all much more aware of the presence of mental illness, and in particular depression and bipolar disorder.”

Wayne Bennett
Head Coach
St George Illawarra Dragons

Find Your Peaceful Place

During the holidays we all need a reminder to sit and BE with ourselves.  Between all the shopping, festivities and family interactions it is often easy to forget about nurturing ourselves.  Joy will be enjoyed more when we take the time to feel our hearts, listen to our thoughts, and allow our souls to heal from the stress of everyday life.

Find your peaceful place.  Breathe it in.  Soak in its essence and release….Peace will find you.