Archive | November 2010

Bless Every Experience

Every step we take is an experience in this life.  There are no mistakes, no coincidences, and no failures.  With each road traveled we learn and expand through the beautiful, the painful, and all in between.  No labels are needed as good or bad,  it simply is what it is.  What did you learn through your last experience?  Was something or someone presented to you to test your strength or your capacity for love?  Perhaps your heart opened inward and you learned to love yourself.  All situations and relationships create the precious person that you are.    Allow yourself to feel the emotions streaming through you and your energy will not be lost.  If you must move into darkness to find light, so be it.  Experience it, live it, ride it!  You will flourish with every courageous step you take.

If amends need to be made, make them.   Don’t be afraid to push your ego aside and simply say you’re sorry.  An apology travels a long way when it is sincere.  All negative energy disappears when the air is cleared and you are able to move on.  Untie your past, live in the present, and look forward to your future.  You are meant to ride your wave freely.

Bless it all.  Change is constant, and with change is the opportunity for growth.  Grab a hold of your vine and fly!

Shine Your Light

“You remain a Victim as long as you choose not to learn from your Challenges.  When you choose to learn and move forward, you become a Great Teacher to yourself and others.” ~Eric Allen

What light shines within you?  Are you allowing it to grow or diminish with each challenge you face in life?  Every experience we have is an opportunity to create our own personal path.  In this creation our light builds upon itself and extends out toward others.  When we follow our true selves we can’t help but shed our inner light out into the world.

When we sabotage the gifts we were given and create roadblocks for ourselves, we will inevitably fall into the victim mentality.  You have no one to look to but yourself.  Look inward for the growth that is needed to educate yourself and others.  Take time to breathe in nature and allow Spirit to guide you on your path.  Beware of getting caught up in the external promises of the ego.  Humility will assist you in finding your place in this world.  Loving your inner self will align you with all the beauty life has to offer.

Shine your light and BE the lighthouse you were meant to be…

Addiction and Healing through Self-Love

To listen to yesterday’s broadcast of Help, Hope and Healing, simply go to the category, “AM-WWLZ820 Talk Radio” and click on “Addictions and Healing through Self-Love with Cynthia Brennen, LMSW.” Peace….

WWLZ820am; Learning Self-Love

Tune in to Help, Hope and Healing, WWLZ820am, Saturday, November 20th, 12-1pm EST. It will be an open forum with me discussing avenues to learning self-love and the benefits we reap when we get there! Calls are welcome nationwide during the show at 607-732-4820 or 1-866-732-4820. Peace….
WWLZ is a radio station located in Elmira, NY, in the the United States. The station broadcasts on 820, and is popularly known as

Walking a New Road

Here is a good question to ask yourself. Ten years from now you will surely arrive. The question is, where? We don’t want to kid ourselves about where; we don’t want to kid ourselves about the road we’re walking.

I would assume for all of you, to get to where you want to be…you are either reading the right books or you’re not. You’re either engaged in the disciplines or you’re not. But, here’s what we don’t want to engage in: disillusion. Hoping without acting. Wishing without doing.

The key is to take a look and say, “Where am I? What could I do to make the changes to make sure that I can take more certain daily steps toward the treasure I want, the mental treasure, the personal treasure, the spiritual treasure, the financial treasure? I don’t want to make any more errors, now’s the time to adjust my daily program to take me where I want to go.”…

But the key is to start right now making these changes to walk this new road. And here’s what’s exciting to me, just a few daily disciplines makes a great deal of difference in one year, three years, five years. And before you know it, you will be walking a brand new road.

~Jim Rohn

Change is easy.  Change is hard.  Change is inevitable.  Change is constant.  You choose the changes that affect your life.
May your path take you to where you are going….

How Lovable Are You?

We are only as lovable as we love ourselves.  Do you treat yourself with kindness and respect?  Do you nurture the precious person that you are?  It all begins with you.  How can you expect anyone to treat you with respect if you don’t believe you deserve it?  We truly teach others how to treat us.

Who are you?  What do you love about yourself?  Look deeply within and nurture that lovely part of you that shines.  That beautiful light that glows within and projects out into the world.  All of us have something to offer ourselves and others.  Search that pathway and follow it!  You are worth every second that you pay attention to who you are, what you need, and how you can share your gifts with all you come in contact with.  You are worth the time you give yourself today.

For those of you who think you’re “conceited” for loving yourself.  Think again.  We were all created in perfection.  In loving ourselves we show our appreciation for the gift of life.  To nurture one’s body, mind and soul is to give thanks for this very life!   It is our God-given right to feel love, happiness and joy in our lives.  Love who you are, feel kindness and compassion for all of life’s experiences, let go of the illusion of control, and watch it all flow….effortlessly.

It all starts with you…

Breaking the Silence

Join me and my guest, Neal Desch, on Help, Hope & Healing, WWLZ820am, Saturday, Nov 13th, 12-1pm EST. Neal and I will be addressing the impact of domestic violence and breaking the silence! Feel free to call Neal and I anytime during the show with your questions and comments; 607-732-4820 or 1-866-732-4820 nationwide calls are welcome. Be kind to yourself and others, today and everyday….Peace
WWLZ is a radio station located in Elmira, NY, in the the United States. The station broadcasts on 820, and is popularly known as

Dreams of Your Soul

May you listen to your longing to be free.
May the frames of your belonging be large enough for the dreams of your soul.
May you arise each day with a voice of blessing whispering in your heart
…something good is going to happen to you.
May you find harmony between your soul and your life.
May the mansion of your soul never become a haunted place.
May you know the eternal longing that lies at the heart of time.
May there be kindness in your gaze when you look within.
May you never place walls between the light and yourself.
May you be set free from the prisons of guilt, fear, disappointment and despair.
May you allow the wild beauty of the invisible world to gather you,
mind you, and embrace you in belonging.
– John O’Donahoe

Maintaining Peace Amidst the Chaos

To listen to my show today, simply go to the category “AM-WWLZ820 Talk Radio”, and click on the title “Healing Hour with Cynthia Brennen, LMSW”…..Namaste

Healing Hour

Tune in with me tomorrow, Saturday, Nov. 6th, 12-1pm EST, on Help Hope & Healing, WWLZ820am! The format is OPEN! Call in with your questions pertaining to your overall health and learn to heal through mind, body, spiritual and emotional wellness. This is your hour with a therapist who can help. Call during the show……607-732-4820 or 1-866-732-4820.  Nationwide calls are welcome!

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WWLZ is a radio station located in Elmira, NY, in the the United States. The station broadcasts on 820am.
Next week, my guest will be Neal Desch.  We will be addressing the effects of domestic violence and the importance of breaking the silence.