
Take the Plunge!

I’ve discovered something new and exciting in my life. After many years of resistance, I finally dipped my toe (well, my whole body actually), and experienced the most exhilarating feeling I’ve had in a very long time. It’s hard to describe that “hurts so good” feeling but I will do my best to portray the paradoxical exchange of emotions mixed with the physical effects. But first, a little background..

I practically grew up in the water. Being born a Pisces I suppose I was destined to at least test the fluidity in my life and see if it aligned with one of the many reasons I showed up here. I quite liked swimming and especially attached to the camaraderie and excitement of swimming competitively, but the one thing I absolutely abhorred was that first plunge into the pool. The shock of cold water against every cell of my body sent me swimming as fast as I could just to warm up. Early morning swims were always the worst, still feeling half asleep and wanting to crawl back into bed with my warm blankets encasing me. I sometimes struggled with the reason I chose to take this path, and then I would see my teammates and feel the connection between us as we journeyed those waves side by side. The physical pain we endured to reach the thrill was worth every stroke.

It was during this journey I met my swim sister, Louise We met in the pool in fifth grade and developed a bond not only through swimming, but through the twists and turns of life. We’ve encouraged and listened, cried and sang with joy, felt the agony of defeat and celebrated our wins, all while testing the waters of life. Louise has been such an inspiration in so many ways, but when it comes to H2O inspiration we become totally synchronized. If it wasn’t for Louise, I likely wouldn’t have plunged back into Masters swimming after 30 years, and I certainly would never have even entertained my latest plunge.

It’s been a few years now that Louise has talked about her year-round cold water swims in Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts. I’ve always admired her bravery in doing so, but in my mind, it was the worst torture anyone could experience. She would then express how it’s the best natural high she’s ever experienced, and I would smile politely and say, “That’s great, Lou, I’m so happy for you, but that’s something I could never do.” Remember my trauma of jumping into cold pools my whole life? Well that little mini trauma swam around in my head and never left. And then, Louise sent me an article on stimulating your vagus nerve for better mental health, and lo and behold, the very first thing on the list was cold exposure. It talked about researchers finding that exposing yourself to cold on a regular basis can lower your sympathetic “fight or flight” response and increase your parasympathetic “rest and digest” activity through the vagus nerve. Now it was starting to sink in. This was something that could not only benefit my physical health but my mental health as well. I decided to dig a little deeper and read many articles on Cold Water Immersion Therapy. The benefits of taking cold dips were eye opening; decreases depression and anxiety, decreases inflammation, boosts immune system, manages pain, increases energy, soothes muscle soreness, to name a few. That was enough for me. I called Louise and told her I was filling my bath tub with cold water and ice and taking the plunge! She was ecstatic for me. My first try, the temperature was 72 degrees and I lasted about three minutes, and it was challenging! It’s been two months now and I’ve moved down to 59 degrees for six minutes. It sure is cold when I first get in but I’ve learned to accept the pain to enjoy the gain. The funny thing is, it’s still the first few seconds getting in that hurts, but then a calm sets in and I feel as though I’m enveloped in polar bear skin. It is the most peaceful feeling as I focus on my breathing and move into a meditative mode. And then, I can’t even express the exhilaration I feel when I emerge from the water! My endorphins are so happy afterward that I actually caught myself giggling yesterday as I was drying off. Now I get it, Lou. You’ve got a swim sister on another level now, and I can’t thank you enough for lightly nudging me when my ice wall was up. Your patience and warmth always turns it into a pool of peace.

Over the past two months, I must say that my inflammation has decreased and my mood has elevated to a more positive level. Of course, it is only one piece of the balance wheel. Diet, exercise, meditation/relaxation, and adequate sleep are all pieces of the health puzzle. For me, if I don’t pay attention to the amount of sugar I put into my body my cells scream inflammation, and it won’t matter how many plunges I take. Balance in everything we do is the key of life. I’m just grateful I found another healthy opening for that key to fit into.

*If you’re considering taking the plunge please do your own research and talk to a health care professional you trust to be sure this endeavor is for you.

If you give yourself the green light, welcome to the world of exciting exhilaration and hop aboard the Polar Bear Express!

Living, Loving, & Unlearning

If you’re looking for a book to assist you as you navigate the ups and downs in life while you peel away the layers of worldly expectations, this read may be for you.

Have you ever wondered about your life’s dreams and what happened to them? Have you ever had dreams for your life? This book is a wake-up call. A reminder that it is never too late to fulfill that desire burning deep down inside of you. The piece of your soul that is ready to shine and light up your life! Inside the pages of Living, Loving, & Unlearning, I’ve created an easy to follow guideline for you to do just that. As you discover the purity of your own soul, and purpose of your existence here on earth, you will begin to feel the freedom to live your life, your journey, and your truth.

To listen to my talk at Book Passage in Corte Madera, CA, please click here. This will give you an inside look into Living, Loving, & Unlearning, how it came about, and how it may help you in your own healing. As an added treat, my brother, Norm Weintraub, also performs a very special song about our Dad and his impact on our lives.

To order your copy of Living, Loving, & Unlearning, please go to my website at

Namaste and have a great day!

Freeing Fascia

I forgot. I forgot balance is the key to everything. So when I injured my knee, it not only woke up the interconnected muscles and vessels within my body, it woke up my mind. I had already been nursing an achilles tendon injury when I received this second wake-up call, so it became very clear that something needed to change in order for me to unclog my pathway to health.

I love my walks. Experiencing nature with the sun warming my shoulders brings joy to my soul. The only problem is it became too routine. Too much of anything can tip the balance bar and throw you into the abyss if you’re not careful. I forgot to mix up my exercise and stretch other parts of my body, and stretching was exactly what I was missing. Remember the day when you could stretch for two minutes before a run? Now, learning the hard way, I’ve discovered I need to stretch 20 minutes before a walk! My new routine consists of some yoga poses, breathwork, stretching, and fascia rolling. Yep, good old fascia rolling. I remember my chiropractor suggesting this years ago. I felt uncoordinated trying to roll on this hard tube, not to mention it hurt, so I gave up. Not a good decision. If I had kept it up, along with stretching, I may not be in the position I am now. I’ve also discovered a wonderful hand held fascia roller that gets into the tight spots a floor roller cannot. The combination works wonders.

By definition, fascia is a thin casing of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber, and muscle in place. The tissue does more than provide internal structure; fascia has nerves that make it almost as sensitive as skin. When we have stuck energy in our body, it can’t help but clog that connective tissue, creating pain in the body.

Many of you reading this may be experiencing, or have experienced, similar injuries or ailments. You understand the patience that is required to heal. When I had my frozen shoulder 10 years ago I embarked on a similar journey. It’s so important that we listen to our bodies. Our minds may try to trick us and tell us to ignore the pain and move on, but wisdom tells us otherwise. It’s not easy for me to take days off from walking but I’m learning to accept that my yoga/stretching routine may be all that my body requires that day. When I listen, my pains respond with relief.

In doing my own research on fascia I’ve learned a few things that have helped me release the sticky stuckness. I talked about this in my last post, Back in the Saddle!, addressing the emotional side of feeling stuck. When we store stress and unresolved emotions how can it not stick to your bones? In my case, literally. It’s when we make the decision to really do something about it that release is possible. Here are some wonderful fascia busting tips that can bring fluidity back into your body, mind, and soul:

*Stretch at least 10 minutes a day.

*Add collagen to your drinks/smoothies.

*Hydrate with water. Recommended amount is half your body weight in ounces.

*Practice a relaxing yoga such as Yin Yoga.

*Meditate and practice breathwork 5-20 minutes daily. Diaphragmatic breathing (breathing from deep down in your belly rather than your chest) is optimal.

*Roll out your tight spots with a fascia roller.

*Mix cardio into your exercise. Swimming and biking have been great for me! Less jarring on the tendons.

*Take saunas. Especially after a workout.

*Practice Block Therapy. A wonderful new practice in breaking up the fascia.

*Get a nice deep tissue massage (if deep tissue is too painful for you, ask for lighter pressure) and drink lots of water afterward. I had an amazing one recently and felt so much better.

*See an acupuncturist. This has really helped me with healing and with sleep. I also get a shot of B12 on my visits.

*Work with your chiropractor/physical therapist on proper form for stretches.

*Be true to yourself. Express your thoughts and feelings. Honor YOU.

With all this very valuable information being noted, I will never give up my nature walks. I only need to remember to keep them in perspective. Reminding myself it’s the joy of the walk in moderation, along with other forms of exercise. If I walk a mindful mile feeling at one with nature it is far more beneficial than racing through five miles. After all, what value has life if it isn’t enjoyed?

Click here for some valuable information on diaphragmatic breathing and block therapy.

A special thank you to my friend and energy healer, Marci Lubore, who kindly directed me toward this wonderful fascia roller and block therapy. She works wonders through many healing modalities including essential oil blends and energy work. For more information and scheduling, she can be reached at Healing Touch Energy Therapy at

Book Signing At Barnes & Noble, Elmira, NY, September 6th!

‘Living, Loving & Unlearning’ is available at Barnes & Noble, Elmira, NY

Come visit and chat with me at my book signing at Barnes & Noble, Elmira, NY, this Saturday, September 6th, 2pm-4pm!

Wink 106fm will be there with me airing the signing LIVE! Bring yourself, bring your friends, bring your kiddies, and join in the fun! 


Living, Loving & Unlearning' is recognized in Ithaca College's Fall issue of IC View

Living, Loving & Unlearning’ is recognized in Ithaca College’s Fall issue of IC View

If you aren’t able to make the signing, ‘Living, Loving & Unlearning: A therapist’s guide to healing and living authentically from the inside out’, is available at Barnes & Noble Elmira in the ‘Self Improvement’ section of the store.

‘Living, Loving & Unlearning’ is also available online at

Happy day, Namaste!  


The Feminine Rests While The Masculine Swims

Twin-Souls-300x270When my radio show came to a close, I walked out one door, and through another, feeling the reminder of balance that is required to create wholeness in our lives. An abundance of nurturing, giving energy went into the creation of Help, Hope & Healing, another baby in my life, and then it came time to move on.

On my last show, Dream Momma unraveled one of my dreams, a journey dream, as she called it. As always, she was right on as I began walking new roads leading to the excitement of the unknown.

While my latest endeavor unfolds, Dream Momma calls out my masculine side to strengthen his muscles, pull up his boot straps and get to work! In my dream, I am swimming to the “boat” carrying the next level of my life. My right side is strong, stroking vigorously, while my left side rests, gathering her own strength which she has given so freely.

And now, as I gaze out my window at the red mountainous terrain of Sedona, I feel the strength building within. Ready for my next adventure. Ready to feel the earth below me again, rumbling through my veins, heart pulsating, guiding me to the next journey of my soul. Allowing, open, letting go…